Last publication of the “One month, one poster series” : the switching to Euro

Reading time : 1min Nombre de likes : 0 likes Mise à jour le : 5 Apr 2022

Paribas celebrating the Euro at 37 rue du marché Saint-Honoré in Paris, 1999 - BNP Paribas Historical Archives

Each month, we pick a poster from BNP Paribas historical archives and tell you the hidden story behind the document. This time, it is the occasion to look back at how BNP Paribas managed the switching to Euro.

In a playful way, BNP Paribas explained how to convert easily in Euro.

Poster about the Euro – 2002 – BNP paribas Historical Archives FRAHBNPP_2AF125

A greeting card to raise the awareness of Euro

Discover how BNP Paribas manage the transition to the Euro with educational and entertaining materials.

Read the story about this Euro poster

The episod of Always Telling More Stories entitled “From the Franc to Euro: few years to change everything” may also interest you

Listen to the podcast

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