BNP Paribas promotes the sharing of History

For more than ten years, BNP Paribas has been committed to promoting a better knowledge of History in all its forms.

Supporting the Master’s degree in Public History at Créteil (France)

Created in 2015 by Catherine Brice, Professor of Contemporary History, the Master 2 in Public History at Créteil is the first course of its kind to be launched in France.
A discipline that has been growing rapidly for over 30 years in the United States, “public history” refers to history written for the general public. Joining this emerging university course was therefore an obvious choice for BNP Paribas.
As part of this partnership, the Archives & History department hosts an internship for a student from the master’s programme each year and organises a meeting to discuss the challenges of historical mediation.

Finally, this support for the master’s degree in public history also includes the allocation of an annual grant.

Partnership with the History Youtubers Prize

Supporting the community of Youtubers, who sometimes also happen to be entrepreneurs, allows Archives et History to draw inspiration from the best practices of Youtubers, and even to collaborate with some of them, as was the case with the video artist Scherzando, for a video on the musician-banker Alexis Rostand, who ran the CNEP, an ancestor of BNP.

2018 History Youtbers Prize, 2018 - Artea
2018 History Youtbers Prize, 2018 – Artea

Supporting research in economic history

As a major player in the economy, BNP Paribas is committed to supporting research into economic history in order to improve our understanding of the world and economic phenomena.
This commitment is demonstrated by

BNP Paribas : willingnessed to promoting a better knowledge
Picture of Dominique Rault, 2015

The prize is awarded to two high-level doctors who have defended a thesis in history or human and social sciences, in the field of economic history, written in French. It is awarded every two years. It has no equivalent in France and helps to increase the visibility and development of this discipline.