Home / Images / Your cash is safer in a CNEP chequeing account than in your bag left on a chair… Your cash is safer in a CNEP chequeing account than in your bag left on a chair… Reading time : 1min Nombre de likes : 0 likes Tags :Banking agency . Banking history . CNEP For the main deposit banks like Banque Nationale pour le Commerce et l’Industrie (BNCI) or the Comptoir National d’Escompte de Paris (CNEP), the 1960s mark “society’s use of banking services.” With the rise in wage-earners in France and the monthly payment of salaries, employees are increasingly paid by cheque or direct deposit. This context encourages the CNEP in particular to launch major advertising campaigns in favour of cheques and payment facilities. BNP Paribas Historical Archives Aimer cette page 0 likes Partager cette page Linkedin Facebook Twitter Mail Copier le lien de l'article