Article 1950 - 1994 The Caracas Metro – innovative funding Reading time : 6min Nombre de likes : 3 likes
Article 1872 - 1999 Paribas, operating at the meeting point of Europe and the world Reading time : 7min Nombre de likes : 0 likes
Image 1982 - 1982 The rollout of the Caracas metro trains Reading time : 2min Nombre de likes : 1 likes
Image 1991 - 1991 Claude de Kemoularia (Paribas) and Carlos Andrès Pérez, president of he Venezuelan Republic, sign the financing agreement for the 3rd line of the Caracas Metro Reading time : 3min Nombre de likes : 0 likes
Image 1991 - 1991 Paribas, lead bank on the financing of the 3rd line of the Caracas metro Reading time : 3min Nombre de likes : 1 likes