Home / Articles / The journey to a sustainable environment: almost 70 years of initiatives [Timeline] The journey to a sustainable environment: almost 70 years of initiatives [Timeline] Reading time : 1min Nombre de likes : 1 likes Mise à jour le : 3 Jan 2023 B2B advertising campaign in favor of responsible investments, 2015 - BNP Paribas Historical Archives Tags :Environment . Social and environmental responsibility Today, sustainable development is a central concern for the main economic players and international bodies. But this collective will to face the environment and social challenges arising from human activities is the result of a long transformation that began nearly 70 years ago. From raising ecological awareness to the advent of sustainable development, a look back at the main decisions made worldwide and at BNP Paribas Group. BNP Paribas Historical Archives To go further on BNP Paribas environmental responsibility Aimer cette page 1 likes Partager cette page Linkedin Facebook Twitter Mail Copier le lien de l'article