BNP Paribas and the cinema in 9 founding dates (Timeline)

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Poster - BNP Paribas Historical Archives

Poster - BNP Paribas Historical Archives

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In 1917 began a joint history between BNP Paribas and the cinema that has spread over 100 years. Indeed, over time the bank has been involved in all areas of the film-making industry: production, distribution and diffusion. It supports several festivals and contributes to the restoration of films. BNP Paribas, supported by its subsidiaries, the BNL in Italy and BNP Paribas Fortis in Belgium, which are very active in the film-making industry, quickly became the European bank of the 7th art.

BNP Paribas and the cinema in 9 founding dates
BNP Paribas and the cinema in 9 founding dates
Share of the Société Générale des Cinématographes Eclipse, 1917 - BNP Paribas Historical Archives
Share of the Société Générale des Cinématographes Eclipse, 1917 – BNP Paribas Historical Archives
Cinéma Gaumont Palace en 1931 – Archives historiques BNP Paribas
Cinema Gaumont Palace in 1931 – BNP Paribas Historical Archives
Archives historiques BNP Paribas
Poster of 2004 on “Rentrée du Cinema” – BNP Paribas Historical Archives
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