Archive collection of BNP Paribas Group
Valued at 3,850 kml BNP Paribas paper archive collection is one of the largest business archives in France.

- Date range: 1865-2019
- Physical description: paper, digital and objects (paper, posters, photos, plans, prints, videos)
- Volume: 26,313 in UA
- Physical location: with the exception of a few articles kept at the Archives nationales du monde du travail (ANMT) and the BNP Paribas History Association, the whole collection is kept in Dinan (Côtes d’Armor).
Valued at 3,850,000 ml BNP Paribas’s paper archive collection is one of the largest business archives in France. It is made up of all the collections of the Group’s ancestral banks – CNEP, CNEM, BNC, BNCI, BNP, Paribas, Compagnie Bancaire, Imperial Ottoman Bank.
Today, the majority of the collections are kept at the Taden site in Dinan, in Côtes d’Armor, and those of BNC, part of those of CNEM and the Ottoman Imperial Bank, in Roubaix, at the National Archives of the World of Work (ANMT).
The collections of the ancestral banks of Fortis and BNL kept in Brussels in Belgium and in Rome in Italy respectively.
Conditions for access and use
- Access condition: communicable with authorisation
- Material characteristics and technical constraints: our collections consist of: paper archives, collections of posters, photos, printed matter, periodicals; native digital archives – photos, videos, and digital; collection of historical objects.
In addition to more than 3 km of historical paper archives, we keep:
- 3,620 posters, which make up the AF series, divided into four sub-series according to the poster size;
- maps and plans that make up the PL series. The series are created according to format;
- a collection of 23,198 photos, from several collections that have been reorganised; the photographs are marked “Fi” and reorganised into several sub-series within the Fi series;
- a library, made up of monographs and serial publications;
- 117 collections of periodicals from all of the Group’s ancestral banks, comprising 117 titles, including 26 living collections, 91 dead collections, 39 fully digitized, 52 complete;
- 2,229 audiovisual documents which make up the V series. This is subdivided into two sub-series depending on whether the original medium is digital or analogue;
- more than 3,800 prints that make up the IMP series;
- approximately 1,000 objects, classified under the OB series;
- oral archives, kept by the BNP Paribas History Association.
The BNP Paribas Group was created on 23 May 2000 from the merger of the Banque Nationale de Paris (BNP) and Paribas. In France, for its BNP part, it is the heir of Comptoir national d’Escompte de Paris (CNEP) and Comptoir national d’Escompte de Mulhouse (CNEM), created in 1848, Banque Nationale de Crédit (BNC ), Banque Nationale pour le Commerce et l’Industrie (BNCI), and for its Paribas part, of Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas (BPPB), which became Paribas.
But its roots date back to 1822 with Société Générale de Banque in Belgium, the forerunner of Fortis bank, acquired by the Group in 2009. It is therefore a story that has been written gradually, not without crises, polished through acquisitions and expansion. Our archive collection bears direct witness to this.
Archive collection of the Comptoir National d’Escompte de Paris (CNEP)
Archive collection of the Comptoir National d’Escompte de Mulhouse (CNEM)
Archive collection of the Banque nationale de crédit (BNC)
Archive collection of the Banque nationale pour le commerce et l’industrie (BNCI)
Archive collection of the Banque Nationale de Paris (BNP)
Archive collection of the Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas (BPPB), which became Paribas in 1982
Archive collection of the Compagnie Bancaire
Archives of BNP Paribas
Archives of the Banque d’état du Maroc (BEM)
Archive collection of the BNP Paribas History Association
Archive collection of the Ottoman Imperial Bank (BIO) – collections of the CAMT in Roubaix
Archive collection of BNP Paribas Fortis
Archives of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL)