Home / Historical Quizzes / The history of BNP Paribas in 12 questions The history of BNP Paribas in 12 questions Reading time : 1min Nombre de likes : 1 likes Mise à jour le : 14 Jun 2023 BNP Paribas Taking flight symbol at Roland-Garros , floating on a blue sky - Reference 4fi306 - BNP Paribas Historical Archives When was BNP Paribas born? When did the women arrive in the bank? Where did the Group set up its first agency?All these questions, reflecting the diversity and the roots of BNP Paribas’ history, will be discovered by participating in “The history of the bank in 12 questions”.Test your knowledge by travelling through two centuries of banking adventures and take the basics with our contextualised answers.Good luck! 0% Learn more about the history of the BNP Paribas Group through 12 questions that will take you only 20 minutes. 1 / 12 1. Since when has BNP Paribas been a partner of Roland-Garros ? a) 1963 b) 1983 c) 1973 Explanation Although BNCI, the forerunner of BNP, sponsored the Tour de France in the 1950s, history between BNP Paribas and Roland-Garros officially began in 1973. Over the years, this large-scale tournament has gained a growing reputation and global media coverage. BNP and then BNP Paribas continued this partnership faithfully. For 45 years, the bank has been supporting tennis, sharing the values of fair play, responsiveness and performance. Today, global tennis partner number 1, the Group sponsors the largest events and has created a worldwide community of tennis fans with its dedicated wearetennis.com website. In 2018, the Group also launched an unprecedented programme to support young French tennis talents in their progression, "Team BNP Paribas Jeunes Talents”, in association with the French tennis federation. 2 / 12 2. BNP Paribas’ oldest ancestor was born in ? a) 1822 b) 1872 c) 1848 Explanation In 1822 King William I established the General Society of the Netherlands to promote national industry. The Brussels-based limited liability company is intended to assist the economic and industrial development of the Kingdom. After the creation of Belgium in 1830, it became known as Société générale de Belgique. From 1822 to 1998, the institution changed its name several times and underwent mergers. In 1998, she joined the Belgian-Dutch Fortis Group. Then in 2009, BNP Paribas purchased the Belgian branch of Fortis, which became BNP Paribas Fortis. 3 / 12 3. The Comptoir National d’Escompte de Paris (CNEP), one of BNP Paribas’ ancestor banks, was created by … a) The 3 together b) Entrepreneurs c) The City of Paris d) The State Explanation The CNEP was set up on 8 March 1848 under the joint action of the State, the City of Paris and a group of booksellers in Paris. The latter, like many entrepreneurs and traders, are indeed weakened by the economic crisis that is paralysing France. The CNEP’s original purpose is to carry out discount operations to boost short-term credit to entrepreneurs and restore confidence. 4 / 12 4. BNP Paribas is also heir to the Bank of Paris and the Netherlands, which was active from 1872 to 1999. What were its main activities ? a) Managing financial operations in markets and corporate finance b) Personal credit and discount Explanation The Bank of Paris and the Netherlands was founded in 1872 by French and German bankers. It is a French-language merchant bank, whose activities focus on two areas: managing financial transactions in the markets and financing businesses. Its specificity: it does not have its own banking network but relies on correspondents around the world, and it also forms alliances with other houses. It has specialised in financing exports of capital goods worldwide since the 1950s and major industrial projects. 5 / 12 5. Where were the first branches of the Comptoir National d’Escompte de Paris (CNEP) opened? a) Marseille and Nantes b) Calcutta and Shanghai c) Amsterdam and London Explanation In 1860, in the context of the Free Trade Treaty, the CNEP moved to Calcutta and Shanghai even before establishing a network of agencies in France. Its role was to support the French trade networks abroad (importers of raw materials, particularly cotton). That is also why it began in Australia in Melbourne and Sydney in 1881 (wool industry). Its international dimension continued to expand: Hong Kong (1862), San Francisco (1877), and Chicago (1893). In France, he opened his first branch in Nantes in 1867, followed by Lyon (1868) and Marseille (1869). BNP Paribas continues this international tradition and is present in 73 countries. 6 / 12 6. In what year was BNP created ? a) 1966 b) 1973 c) 1983 Explanation On 4 May 1966, the Ministry of Finance announced the merger of the Banque Nationale pour le Commerce et l’Industrie (BNCI) and the Comptoir National d’Escompte de Paris (CNEP) into an institution known as Banque Nationale de Paris (BNP). This rapprochement takes place in the context of banking reforms and concentration initiated by Finance Minister Michel Debré. The choice of the name “Banque Nationale de Paris” sums up the scope and objectives of the merger: to create a modern bank, serving the national economy, whose influence will enhance Paris’s place in the international financial world. 7 / 12 7. In 2006, BNP Paribas purchased an Italian bank, BNL. In which city was it founded ? a) Florence b) Rome c) Milan Explanation BNL is one of the main players in Italy’s development. It was founded in Rome in 1913, initially to support the cooperative movement in the country. At that time, the predominantly rural Italian economy had to industrialize. Its public dimension means that it is the only large Italian bank born in Rome, while Milan is the country’s financial centre. BNL, a bank serving the Italian national economy, also distinguished itself by establishing in 1935 an autonomous department specialising in film credit. The section provides medium and long-term credits for film production, distribution and trade in Italy and abroad. Nearly 5,000 films were supported between 1935 and 2015. 8 / 12 8. In 2014, BNP Paribas purchased the Polish bank BGŻ. Which sector does it primarily finance ? a) Agri-food sector b) Automobile c) Siderurgy Explanation The origins of BGŻ go back to 1919, when a state agricultural bank was created. This public institution essentially grants loans to farmers to enable them to buy land and acquire means of production. But it also finances irrigation, the purchase of fertilisers… Livestock farming and processing also benefit from serious modernisation. In 2014, BNP Paribas bought out BGŻ. Then in 2015, the Group merged its activities in Poland with those of BGŻ BNP Paribas. This group continues to be a leader in agri-business and the food sector and is also well placed in consumer credit and corporate banking. 9 / 12 9. When was the Cetelem subsidiary set up, dedicated to consumer credit? a) 1966 b) 1953 c) 1946 Explanation Today, credit has gradually developed in France since the 1920s. Consumer credit, launched in the 1950s, marks a turning point in society. Cetelem, a subsidiary of BNP Paribas set up in 1953, is one of its historical players. 10 / 12 10. When did the banks recruit women ? a) After the First World War b) After the Second World War c) From the 1880s Explanation Until the 1880s, a bank clerk was a man. However, with the creation of new administrative services, the first jobs for women in large financial institutions have come. In 1914, they accounted for about 25% of the CNEP’s Paris workforce (700 out of 3000). 11 / 12 11. What is the name of the training organisation dedicated to banking’s businesses in France? a) ITB (Technical Banking Institute) b) The CETB (Centre d'enseignement technique de banque) c) The CFPB ( Centre de formation de la profession bancaire) Explanation The bank is one of the few professions to have built such a comprehensive technical education system and to have been concerned with managing the skills development of its employees. It awards diplomas recognised by the State. The Centre d’enseignement technique de banque was set up in 1932, but in 1972 it became a training centre for the banking profession following the Law of 16 July 1971. 12 / 12 12. In what year was the first computer installed at BNP Paribas? a) In 1971 b) In 1961 c) In 1951 Explanation In 957 the CNEP controlled the largest computer developed in Europe, the Bull Gamma 60. It thus moves directly from mechanography (a set of mechanical and electro-mechanical techniques for calculating and publishing information) to a large, ultra-modern system developed with novel components. As soon as it became operational in March 1961 (training and integration periods were necessary), the computer was operated continuously. Your score is Aimer cette page 1 likes Partager cette page Linkedin Facebook Twitter Mail Copier le lien de l'article