BNP Paribas Foundation: 40 years of history in 12 questions

Last update: Jan 3, 2025
Img Principale F En

Creation by BNP Paribas Historical Archives

What is philanthropy? In which year was created the Paribas Foundation ? What emblematic actions are characteristic of the Foundation’s commitment ?
Test your knowledge by taking the quiz.


Test your knowledge of the history of the BNP Paribas Foundation through 12 questions

1 / 12

1. Philanthropy is human, financial or material support without direct compensation for the donor.

Logo Fondation Bnp Paribas

2 / 12

2. Before the creation of the BNP Paribas Foundation in 2000, which ancestor bank had a Foundation ?

2.logo Fondation Per84 1991 40

3 / 12

3. When was the Paribas Foundation created ?

3. Création Fondation Bis Ah00009707

4 / 12

4. What unusual role does the Paribas Foundation play in favour of museums ?

4. Catalogues 1997 Per84 1991 Sp5

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5. What is the aim of the “BNP pour Lire” programme ?

5. Bnppourlire Invitation Ter 2af725

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6. BNP has supported the “Prix du Jeune Écrivain” award since its creation. What is the aim of this award ?

9.prix Du Jeune Ecrivain 2000 Affichebis 2af727 2

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7. When BNP and Paribas merged on 23 May 2000, which philanthropy strategy was promoted ?


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8. The BNP Paribas Foundation supports choreographer Angelin Preljocaj. In what year did this collaboration begin ?

8.preljocaj Affiche 1995.bis.5

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9. Which discipline has the BNP Paribas Foundation never supported ?

9. Compo Jazz Cirque Cinéma

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10. Does the Foundation support ecological transition initiatives ?

10. Environnement 2011 Affiche Climate Initiative 2imp7 520

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11. Does the BNP Paribas Foundation still support actions in the field of medical research ?

11. Arnold Munnich Frahbnpp Per3 07 008

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12. “Projet Banlieues” is one of the BNP Paribas Foundation’s major social initiatives. When did this commitment begin ?
